Maltodextrin is a white powder that originates from corn, rice, potato or wheat starch. Although this substance has plant roots, the processing process is done on it, for this reason, starch is cooked first and then acids are used to produce it. or enzymes such as bacterial alpha-amylase are added to it to break it down further. The white powder resulting from this process is soluble in water and has a neutral taste. In general, one of the modified derivatives of starch is maltodextrin. Maltodextrin in cold water It dissolves and has a low viscosity. This powder has a mild sweet taste.This substance is very similar to the solid substances in glucose syrup because both substances are subjected to hydrolysis to be prepared and the only difference is their sugar content. The solids in glucose syrup contain at least 20% sugar, while maltodextrin contains less than 20% sugar.